meLAB News

June 2024 

We had a fantastic time at the group away day at Aberfoyle.


May 2024 

Congratulations to Mahdieh as she published her paper in Transactions on Electron Devices!

Yuqi Ding presents her research entitled 'A Physical Reservoir Computing Processor for ECG-to-PCG Signals Prediction' at the IEE ISCAS conference in Singapore! Congratulations!

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The BRAINSTORM Consortium meets in Erlangen, Germnay and successfully passes the first review.

The Centre for Neurotechnology annual Meeting- Laura, Mahdieh, Maria, Danial, Angel and Tala present thier posters at the Centre for Neurotechnology event in Glasgow.

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April 2024 

We welcome Paria and Tara to the group who will work on the CanDoIt project focusing on improving breast cancer diagnosis.

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Welcome Rik Van Haren from Einhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, who will complete a Masters placement project with us on point of care diagnostics for Malaria.


DIELECT Kick off meeting. Judy, Hadi, Bhavani, Venkat and Pari meet to discuss the new project DIELECT which aims to create a new roll laminating printing set up for scalable electronics.


March 2024 

We welcome Professor Ali Khaleghi from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology to present his work on wearable sensors.


Maria launches her start up company NEUROBITE which aims to manufacture transient implantable neural probes.

We celebrate International womens day at the Schol of Engineering!

February 2024 
  • We welcome Angel as a new PhD student and Joao Valente as Research Technologist.

  • AngelJoao

January 2024 


December 2023 
  • Christmas Celebrations: The group and their families celebrate a Christmas night out at COSMO World Buffet.



  • Laura, Negin, Priyanka and Pari present their latest research at International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Istanbul, Turkey.


November 2023 
  • We celebrate the successful spin out of Neuranics and say goodbye to three meLAB members, Asfand, Siming and Finlay, with a dinner event in Glasgow.

  • Welcome Danial to the Team
  • Congratulations to our new Dr (Judy) Jungang Zhang on passing her viva with flying colors, earning her doctorate!


October 2023 
  • Halloween fun: The meLAB group took part in a Halloween themed bake-off where Katie was crowned the spookiest baker.




  • Negin and the Neuranics team hosted the annual Magnetomyography Workshop. World-leading academics and clinicians in the field came to Glasgow to discuss thier latest work- it was an inspiring event!MMGWorkshop
September 2023 
  • New academic year. This September we welcome Hossien and Farman as Post-Doctoral researchers on th CryoCMOS project. Michael and Kirsten join meLAB as PhD students, working on energy harvesting devices, and gravitational wave sensors respectively.
  • Eve McGlynn Viva Success! The group celebrated the success of Dr Eve McGlynn passing her PhD viva. Well done for all your hard work!


August 2023 
July 2023 
  • The President of UESTC visited our University and our labs.



  • Prof Maryam Shojaei Baghini vists meLAB. Out guest from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay visits the labs of meLB and gives a seminar on the technology behind an affordable and acurate frequency measurement system. 



  • Neuranics team down under. Negin, Siming, Huxi and Hossein visited the University of Sydney.


  • Crossbrain in Spain. Hadi, Finlay, Laura, Mahdieh and Judy attended the EU Horizon CROSSBRAIN project meeting in San Sebastian.


  • Dr Haotian Chen from Biomedical Engineering Division at UofG delivered a seminar to our group.


June 2023 
  • NEWCAS: Judy, Mahdeih present their research on smart stents and magnetostrictive devices at the International Conference on New Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS) in Edinburgh. Kevin also presents his work on paramagnetic particle detection at his first ever conference. Well done everyone!


  • Graduation season: Congratulations to Dr Yuchi Liu, Dr Asfand Tanwear and Dr Hannah Thomson for officially graduating University of Glasgow with their PhDs. 
  • meLAB Away Day: We spent the day at Crieff Hydro reflecting on the previous year, taking part in team building activities and having inspiring discussions to ensure another successful year together.Awayday

  • Local Celebrity: Maria’s paper is published and gains publicity as she is invited to talk about her research to various news stations. Read an article here: “Glasgow Scientists find possible treatment for drug resistant epilepsy”

  • Congratulations to our newest Dr Mengyao (Amy) Yuan on successfully passing her viva today with minor correction 🥳 Many thanks to examiners Prof Tughrul Arslan, Dr Mahmoud Wagih and Dr Ola Popoola.Image
May 2023 
  • Good News! Our article entitled "Bioresorbable Insertion Aids for Brain Implantable Flexible Probes: A Comparative Study on Silk Fibroin, Alginate and Disaccharides" has been accepted to the to Advanced NanoBiomed Research! Well done Maria, Eve, Bhavani, Finlay and the team!
  • Another good News! Our article entitled "Alignment of Magnetic Sensing and Clinical Magnetomyography," has been accepted to the to Frontiers of Neuroscience! Congratulations Negin, Huxi, Siming and the team!
  • Welcome to our team new member Mohammed who will work as PDRA in the Innovate UK CryoCMOS project! 
April 2023 
March 2023 


February 2023 
  • Our CROSSBRAIN project gets a lot of attention in the news:


The Engineer: Crossbrain project to tackle seizures using nanobots

FutureScot: Glasgow researchers to create brain bot to combat epileptic seizures

Health tech Newspaper: CROSSBRAIN project aiming to develop robots capable of predicting epileptic seizures

Innovation Origins: Injectable microbots to predict and mitigate epileptic seizures

UK Daily: Glasgow researchers are developing a brain bot to combat epileptic seizures

  • Congratulations to our newest Dr Asfand Tanwear on successfully passing his viva today with minor correction 🥳 Many thanks to examiners Prof Pantelis Georgiou, Dr Andrew Feeney and Dr JeffKettle. 


January 2023 
  • One paper from meLAB  have been accepted for presentation at the IEEE ISCAS 2023 conference in South Korea. Well done Stavroula and Meraj!
  • Analog Device Ireland visited our lab and discussed the ASIC design advancements to our School.
  • Welcome to our team new member Laura who will work as PhD in the EU CROSSBRAIN project! 
December 2022 
  • We had a great night at Santa Lucia for the meLAB Christmas dinner! It was so nice to have friends and family there too!



November 2022  
  • Congratulations to Siming for awarding the EPSRC IAA titled “Magnetic-based Wearable Device for Continuous Heart Monitoring” in collaboration with Neuranics to deliver wearable devices and industrial innovations with humans health monitoring at the core.
  • Good news for acceptance of Huxi’s review paper in Frontiers of Neuroscience! Well done Huxi and the team (Siming, Negin and Maria)!
October 2022 
  • Our group members presented multiple lectures, posters and demos at the IEEE ICECS 2022 in Glasgow! Great fun to attend the conference in person.



  • Huge congratulations to our own Maria and Antonia for their awards on Best Poster Award and Best WiCAS Presentation Award. Well done both and keep it up!


  • Fantastic news! Congratulations to our own Siming for awarding the EPSRC IAA project on magnetic sensors for continous hearbeat measurements. Well done to his team including Negin and Huxi on this great achievement. 
  • We are thrilled that our BRAINSTORM project got funded through EU HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN scheme! Fantastic oppurtunity to boosts our research on brain implantable devices with our European partners.
September 2022 
  • Multiple papers from our group has been accepted for presentation at IEEE ICECS 2022 Conference. Congratulations to everyone and exciting time for our group at ICECS!
  • Welcome new members Yuanxi (Kevin) as PhD student to our group who will work on the magnetic based diagnostic devices for malaria detection. See our team LINK
August 2022 
  • Good funding news! Our USyd-UofG Partnership Collaboration Awards for project " Quantum-enabled ultrasensitive and miniaturized magnetic sensors for room-temperature biomedical sensing " was successful. Soon to visit Sydney...
  • Welcome two new members Stavroula and Pary (Roghaieh) as PDRAs to our group! See our team for more information:
July 2022 

Tanwear, A.Liang, X.Paz, E.Böhnert, T.Ghannam, R. Ferreira, R. and Heidari, H. (2022) Spintronic eyeblink gesture sensor with wearable interface system.IEEE Transactions Biomedical Circuits Systems

  • Our collaborative learning and teaching article with UESTC (China) and University of Pavia (Italy) has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Education.(IF: 2.7).

Fan, H.Xie, H.Feng, Q.Bonizzoni, E.Heidari, H. McEwan, M. P.  and Ghannam, R. (2022) Interdisciplinary project-based learning: experiences and reflections from teaching electronic engineering in China. IEEE Transactions on Education.

  • Our collaborative article with Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) has been accepted for publication in the Frontiers in Neuroscience.(IF: 5.15).

Aslam, A. R.Hafeez, N.Heidari, H. and Bin Altaf, M. A. (2022) Channels and features identification: a review and a machine-learning based model with large scale feature extraction for emotions and ASD classification. Frontiers in Neuroscience.

June 2022 
  1. Preface to ‘Advanced neurotechnologies: translating innovation for health and well-being’
  2. Neural microprobe modelling and microfabrication for improved implantation and mechanical failure mitigation
  3. Cleanroom strategies for micro- and nano-fabricating flexible implantable neural electronics

and our beautiful cover image on this journal by our own Eve McGlynn: 


May 2022 
  • We are delighted to receive Chancellor Fund to organise a co-creation event on Implantable Devices! Well done Finlay (PI), Rupam, Maria and Eve.
  • Our new article on scalable cryoelectronics has been accepted for publication to the Advanced Intelligent SystemsCongratulations to Meraj and the team.

Ahmad, M.Giagkoulovits, C.Danilin, S.Weides, M. and Heidari, H. (2022) Scalable cryoelectronics for superconducting qubit control and readout.  Advanced Intelligent Systems.

April 2022 
  • We are very happy to report that our group leader has been promoted to Full Professor of Nanoelectronics, effective from 1 May 2022.
  • We are thrilled that our EU HORIZON-EIC-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES CROSSBRAIN project gets funded! This project boosts our research on brain implantable devices through a large European consortium.
  • Two EPSRC IAA projects funded in a row! Congratulations Rupam and Finlay for great efforts! Rupam leads a project in collaboraton with QVBio Ltd on "MRI-compatible implantable nural interface", and Finlay conducts a project on "Prototyping a flexible implantable optogenetic device".
March 2022 
  • We are delightd to receive funding from EU HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF and welcome new MSCA Fellow to our group who will work on MAGNABLE project developing on-chip signal processing for magnetomyography in collaboration with our spin-out Neuranics!
  • Our latest article in collaboration with ⁦Tsinghua University titled Rotating neurons for all-analog implementation of cyclic reservoir computing published in ⁦Nature Communications (IF: 14.9). Well done ⁦Xiangpeng⁩ and the team!

  •  First reesearch visit after COVID-19! Dr Heidari visited INL, Portugal 🇵🇹 to discuss future collaboration on spintronics sensors.

  • Great NEWS! Our EPSRC project got funded! Read the news LINK 

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and more news:


February 2022 

McGlynn, E.Walton, F. Das, R. and Heidari, H. (2022) Neural microprobe modelling and microfabrication for improved implantation and mechanical failure mitigation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Walton, F.Cerezo Sanchez, M.McGlynn, E.Das, R. and Heidari, H. (2022) Cleanroom strategies for micro and nano-fabricating flexible implantable neural electronics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

January 2022 

Mohamed, A.Wagner, M.Heidari, H. and Anders, J. (2022) A frontend for magnetoresistive sensors with a 2.2 pA/√Hz low-noise current source. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters(doi: 10.1109/LSSC.2022.3148362)

  • Our collaborative article with UESTC China titled "Modelling and Fabrication of Wide Temperature Range Al0.24Ga0.76As/GaAs Hall Magnetic Sensors" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Semiconductors